NOTE: Please complete this form prior to any request to miss classes except for emergency sickness, doctors’ appointments, or death in the family. Remember to complete the form well in advance so adequate arrangements can be made with teachers. Name: Date of Request: I am requesting be absent from my teaching appointments on the following dates and times. Starting: Back: Reason for request (please describe why you need to miss your teaching appointments) Substitute Request Substitute Requested: Contact Information: All substitutes are arranged by the registrar. You may request a substitute, but please remember this is only a request and due to other priorities, we may not be able to honor it. Please, do NOT contact this person unless authorized to do so by the administrator. Submitting this request will automatically send it to the Principal and Academic Principal for Approval. You will receive a reply with the status of your reqeust. Staff Email: Digital Signature: ACUERDO: Al firmar este Formulario de Acuse de Firma Electrónico, estoy de acuerdo en que mi firma electrónica es el equivalente jurídicamente vinculante a mi firma manuscrita. Cada vez que ejecuto una firma electrónica, tiene la misma validez y significado que mi firma manuscrita. No rechazaré en ningún momento en el futuro el significado de mi firma electrónica o reclamaré que mi firma electrónica no es jurídicamente vinculante. * I Agree